Camille Abou Jamra Apps

On Diet Now 1.4
The First Free Nutrition Awareness applicationin 3 languages: Arabic, English and French. Created by theNutrition researcher and activist, Denise Abou Jamra, the “On DietNow” app (and its one-of-a-kind section - “The Diet Net”) is hereto provide you with a great amount of essential “first-hand” and“unique” information and content on nutrition and healthylifestyle. This app’s objective is to answer all your nutrition andfitness “unanswered” questions and to provide you with a uniquenetwork platform dedicated to the vast world of safewell-being.In addition to what preceded and to the BMI calculator included,our famous weekly NutriQuiz is also part of the “On Diet Now” app.By requesting your answer on a simple but tricky question, thisentertaining and challenging quiz aims to help you learn how togain and continuously adopt the correct and simple-to-apply“habits” which you should preserve.This app includes a lot of interesting features such as:- Daily nutrition articles, tips, advice and latest internationalnews- True/False facts (you’ll be amazed when you’ll discover thatthings you took for granted are not always so “granted” inreality!)- The Diet Net, an innovator platform that’s not to miss- Weekly NutriQuiz (an entertaining, tricky and rewarding way tolearn new things on foods, drinks and nutrition in general)- Your BMI calculator (so that you watch your line on thespot)- And much more features, current and to be added soon…